Os Açores é um arquipélago português localizado no Meio do Oceano Atlântico Norte. Ele é formado por 9 Ilhas Vulcânicas com paisagens exuberantes e ótimas condições para a prática de desporto na natureza.
É nos Açores que se encontra a maior montanha de Portugal, uma Ilha do Pico, com 2.351 m. Se medido desde a sua base no fundo do oceano até os seus picos, que se projetam muito acima da superfície do Atlântico, o Pico é na verdade uma das montanhas mais altas do planeta.
O clima dos Açores é temperado, com temperaturas médias de 13 ° C no inverno e 24 ° C no verão. A corrente do Golfo relativamente próxima mantém a água do mar a uma temperatura média entre 17 ° C e 23 ° C. O ar é úmido, com uma umidade relativa média de cerca de 75%.
Os Açores são um arquipélago português situado em pleno Oceano Atlântico Norte. É formada por 9 ilhas vulcânicas com paisagens exuberantes e excelentes condições para a prática de esportes na natureza.
É nos Açores que se encontra a maior montanha de Portugal, a Ilha do Pico, com 2.351m. Se medido desde a sua base no fundo do oceano até aos seus picos, que se projectam muito acima da superfície do Atlântico, o Pico é, na verdade, uma das montanhas mais altas do planeta.
O clima dos Açores é temperado, com temperaturas médias de 13 ° C no inverno e 24 ° C no verão. A relativamente próxima Corrente do Golfo mantém a água do mar a uma temperatura média entre 17 ° C e 23 ° C. O ar é úmido, com umidade relativa média de cerca de 75%.
São Miguel
Santa maria
São Jorge
É possível chegar em qualquer Ilha dos Açores de avião a partir de Lisboa e das 2 principais Ilhas do Arquipélago: São Miguel e Terceira.
Lisboa recebe voos do mundo inteiro enquanto em Ilha de São Miguel e na Ilha Terceira chegam de voos dos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Espanha, Cabo Verde e Outros países da Europa.
A companhia aérea que voa entre as Ilhas ou de Lisboa para as Ilhas é a Azores Airlines.
Entre as 3 Ilhas do Triângulo Açoriano, Pico, São Jorge e Faial, é possível viajar de barco o ano todo pela Linha Atlântico . Durante o verão há viagens de barco entre todas ilhas.
IMPORTANTE: durante os eventos do Azores Trail Run®, a procura por viagens é elevada e as passagens aéreas podem se esgotar ou aumentar muito de preço. Recomendamos reserva antecipada e que te informa sobre os pacotes de viagem disponível para cada prova.
É possível chegar a qualquer ilha dos Açores de avião a partir de Lisboa e das 2 principais ilhas do Arquipélago: São Miguel e Terceira.
Lisboa recebe voos de todo o mundo enquanto na Ilha de São Miguel e na Ilha Terceira chegam voos dos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Espanha, Cabo Verde e outros países europeus.
A companhia aérea que voa entre as Ilhas ou de Lisboa para as Ilhas é a Azores Airlines.
Entre as 3 ilhas do Triângulo dos Açores, Pico, São Jorge e Faial, é possível viajar de barco durante todo o ano na Linha Atlântico . Durante o verão, há passeios de barco entre todas as ilhas.
IMPORTANTE: durante os eventos do Azores Trail Run® a procura de viagens é elevada e os bilhetes aéreos podem estar esgotados ou com aumento de preço. Recomendamos fazer reserva com antecedência e informar sobre os pacotes de viagens disponíveis para cada evento.
São Miguel:
Aeroporto de Ponta Delgada (PDL)
Santa Maria:
Aeroporto de Santa Maria (SMA)
Aeroporto das Lajes (TER)
Aeroporto da Horta (HOR)
Aeroporto do Pico (PIX)
São Jorge:
Aeródromo de São Jorge (SJZ)
Aeródromo da Graciosa (GRW)
Aeroporto das Flores (FLW)
Aeródromo do Corvo (CVU)

Se quiser, você pode aproveitar para alongar sua viagem e curtir as paisagens e atividades de cada ilha. Cada ilha é única, com características e experiências próprias, mas de uma forma geral, nos Açores poderá:
Pratique Caminhada e Trail Running nos vários trilhos dos Açores
Observe baleias e golfinhos (e outros animais marinhos)
Mergulho no Oceano
Explore vulcões e cavernas
Praticando Esportes Aquáticos
Andar de bicicleta ou a cavalo
Desfrute do mar nas praias ou em algumas fabulosas piscinas naturais
Observação de pássaros
Fazer piquenique
Explore Parques Naturais e Parques Florestais
Prove a gastronomia local
Relaxe, perca tempo nos mirantes, conheça as cidades históricas
Do I need to carry all the food and drink I need during the Race?Certainly not ;-). In the route, you will find an aid station every 10 to 15 km. At this station you will find some food and beverages and friendly people to help you. But, you must take with you a flask with water (that can be refilled in the stations) and some energy supply (gel or bar) for emergencies and to keep you hydrated and in good condition during the race. You need to bring your bars and gels because they are very difficult to find on the island.
Can I have support during the race?External assistance to the athlete is allowed by his personal assistance team (ex: coach, friend, etc) only in the aid stations defined by the organization.
Can I buy or rent some gear before the race?It’s very difficult. On the islands where Azores Trail Run® races are set there are very few or none sports shops and with very few items. You won’t find gears, nor even gels and bars. If you forget something important, we recommend that you talk to other runners to try to borrow some spare material.
Is there any mandatory gear for the race?Yes, we selected some gear that are mandatory to make sure you are safe in case of minor accidents, change of weather and the specifics of the terrain. We also make a list of some recommended gears for the race. You can find both lists here.
What are the races, distances, elavtion, aid stations and cut off time of the racesThe event has 5 different races. You can find the routes, elevation and aid station locations on the links below: Whalers' Great Route Ultra Trail with 115k >> race map Ultra Blue Island with 65k >> race map Marathon Faial Coats to Coats with 42k >> race map Trail Ten Volcanoes with 25k >> race map Mini Family Trail with 11k >> race map The cut offs and other important informations you can find here.
Can I wear headphones?Yes, but we ask that you keep the volume down at a safe level so that you can hear other runners or instructions from event personnel. We also ask that you remove them, or, at the very least, remove one ear bud when you are coming to aid stations, in a large crowd or on more technical or difficult sections of the course. The important thing is paying attention to everyone's safety and maintaining basic race etiquette with other runners.
During the race, can I walk some sections of the trail or do I have to run?Yes, you can. And almost everyone walks at some point :) Trail running is more about experiencing and enjoying your surroundings. Just remember that many races have “Cut Off” times. Cut off times can be either a maximum amount of time you are given to finish the course or certain points in the course you have to make it to within a given amount of time. You can check the “Cut offs” of your race here.
Can I get lost on the trail?Well, we make everything we can so that won’t happen. The trails are marked with red and yellow flags. You should spot at least one of them every step of the trail. If you don’t see one in a while, it’s because you got the wrong way. Hike back until you find the flags again.
Do I need medical certificate to collect the BIB?No, but we strongly advise that you do a regular check up and that you don't run if you are not feeling well or fit for the race. You must sign a disclaimer certifying that it is your full responsibility to ensure, previously to the registration, the status of your physical fitness for that activity. If you prefer, you can sign it before collecting the BIB to speed up the process. Here is the form.
What should I do if I need to drop the race?We always recommend that you drop the race at any Aid Station. There you can have shelter, food, beverages and the assistance of our crew. Also, all Aid Stations are reachable by car, so it’s easier and faster to pick you up. But, if you need to drop the race in the middle of the route, call us to the emergency phone you can find at your BIB and be sure to keep you warm and hydrated (use the emergency blanket and your jacket).
What kind of terrain will we find in the race?All races have technical difficulties and include walking trails with levadas (water channel), steps, dirt, mud, stones, pastures, and roads. Some tracks can be very wet.
Can I have a ride to the start line?If you are going to run, you can take the event bus transfer in Horta Downtown for your start line. The meeting point and the schedule you can find here on the rules . The 65k race doesn’t have a transfer because the race starts in the city. Be aware that: The bus will depart on the scheduled time. Be there in time. You can only take the bus for the startline of your race. There won’t be transfers from one startline to another. You must not leave anything on the bus. There will be a van on the startline for you bag with a change of clothes. The buses depart only from the city. If you are staying outside of Horta, you must arrange transfers with your hotel or accommodation, taxi or touristic companies or rent a car. The transfers are for runners only. Followers, friends, coaches must provide their own transportation. We recommend that you talk to other runners' followers for car sharing.
Where and when can I collect my BIB? Can anyone collect my BIB for me?The Bib must be collected at the Horta market on May 5th from 2pm to 8pm and May 6th from 9h30 am to 8pm. Each runner must collect your own BIB. Exceptional cases may be evaluated by our crew in the secretariat.
Can I have a ride from the finish line?Yes, if you are a runner, you can take one of the buses that depart every hour, or when the buses are full, from the finish line to Horta Downtown. The buses are exclusive for runners. Followers must provide their own transportation.
Como edito ou removo o título “FAQ”?Você pode editar o título na guia Configurações do aplicativo. Se você não quiser exibir o título, basta desativá-lo em “Informações a serem exibidas”.
Can I buy some merchandise from the event?Yes, you can! T-shirts, hoodies, backpacks and other nice stuff will be on sale near the market and at the finish line. Come check them out. Take money or your Credit Card with you, if you can.
Can I have some change of clothes at the finish line?Yes! And we recommend you do it because it can be very cold in the end. Take an identified bag with a change of clothes for the startline of your race. There you can drop it with our crew van and pick it up at the finish line. Be aware that there won’t be showers at the finish line, but you can jump in the ocean.